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Infonomicon TV
Infonomicon TV has been in production since early 2004. The show's main premise is centered mainly around hacking. droops does a good job of showing how to do random things that are pretty useful in today's setting. be sure to check it out.
Episode 8 |
" This is the Phreaknic Episode, we have dancing Dr^Zigman, ziggy and irongeek trying to burn the phreaknic hotel down, phizone building an audio probe, droops replacing capacitors on motherboards, fun with airsoft guns at droops' work, and much more dancing ziggy. " |
Episode 7 |
" Irongeek and droops host this one, with HP printer hacking, building and old school phone handset for your cell phone, collecting data in rf monitor mode, and for some reason, by popluar demand, how to make cat 5 cables. " |
Episode 6 |
" This show is all about making your own stuff, from making 9v battery snaps to using your own fucking headphones on the airplane. " |
Episode 5 |
" This one is 26 minutes long and its about stuff. " |
Episode 4 |
" Bubba Hax joins the infonomicon crew with a somewhat informative but very funny redneck hacker video. Contents include: lockpicking; access point hunting; b-mail, homebrew short range wireless communication; phishing. this is not safe for work or around short people. some people are going to need the " |
Episode 3 |
" Obfuscated's body but not his face, Improving personal FM transmitters, bootleg video of the BBS Documentary , making GPSr attachments, Joe Klein Interview. thanks to jason scott for letting me show some of his awesome movie. everyone send droops some money so he can buy the entire thing. 6 hours/30 minutes = 12 episodes of infonomicon tv =o) " |
Episode 2 |
" droops shows what his truck computer looks like before its installed into the truck. this one was a bit premature as the new truck computer is a much better computer, droops is working on part 2, but he needs another alternator and is working on a good way of not destroying the hard drive that's in the new computer. a laptop hard drive would work well, but that's $$$$, so other avenues are being pursued. " |
Episode 1 |
" Power over Ethernet. droops demonstrates power over ethernet, this video was a learning experience for droops, they only get better from here." |
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