Since starting the IPTV Archive, both Moonlit and I had an idea for a video stream that could play IPTV all day. Similar to an actual television station in theory, and RantTV in practice, we set off to work on it. Initial trials were difficult to say anything. We worked on server side playlists, linking into streaming video sites, having out own flash based platform, transcoding files on the fly to a streaming website, and other methods that never seemed to work. We always had the time to invest, but never enough resources. We didn’t have the money for a dedicated icecast box, or a beefy machine that could just transcode and stream all day.
Throughout the years, we’ve had this project going on under one name or another. It started as just something we kicked around to each other, than as a little archive side project, then it was attached to another group, and now it has taken own it’s own presence.

ChannelEM officially came into being last month, and has been functioning smoothly ever since. The project is a culmination of the efforts of Moonlit, Pat, and myself and will hopefully be around a while to grow and expand. ChannelEM in a nutshell is an IPTV network in the developing stages. While we aim to keep a steady 24/7 stream of independent video, we would also like to expand and reach out to those who run their own shows and would like some exposure to a like-minded community. If that seems up your alley, feel free to give it a look.